Queen of Horse porn

Howdy, I'm Angell! Better known as the queen of horse porn. I am a freelance artist with a specialty in drawing a variety of species (as you may have guessed horses especially). I do everything from feral to human.Thanks for stopping by!

BEst places to contact me

Discord: Angellsview

1.| A Payment agreemnet is required prior to any commission progress being made. Payment is only made through PayPal invoice or my PayPal directly. Any other methods of payment will be considered as a donation, including: Stream kudos, stream tips, FA tips, and any payments to my PayPal without my approval.Payment plans can be offered on commissions and only if you have worked with me before. A deposit of ⅓ of the commission will be requiredif you are on a payment plan with your commission, and you need to cancel, I will need time to refund what you have paid towards the payment plan.NEW If you would like, the option to pay half when I take the commission and half when you get your sketch IS available. Due to the increased occurrences of artists abusing the trust of the community, I would like to strive to be the opposite and ensure your commission goes smoothly with ample communication and options in regard to payment that make YOU feel comfortable. Thank you for supporting artists, your trust should not be abused.2.| We can discuss commissions via telegram, twitter, or discord. Please do not hawk my activity and use it as a complaint against me. If I am playing games on my day off, I am not thinking about your art.2 A.| I have scheduled days in the week when I work on personal art, after I complete my work for that day. Daily I work 8 hours, with Fridays being up to 12 hours on commissions. After my work time, I use my time freely. I do not often message when I am off them clock and I will sometimes draw for myself with my free time, it is not replacing commission work.3.| I DO NOT Draw line arts to be edited or colored. I DO NOT allow my art to be edited or added onto. On this note, I also DO NOT work on drawings done by other people.4.| I Will NOT Draw:•Most vore
•Snuff and Removal of body parts/ sexualized gore/Guro
•Anal for my characters
•Death Of my own characters
•Dust x your character in any capacity
These Kinks are Case by Case
I can refuse commissions for any reason5.| I will provide work in progress views. However, you can only make significant changes to the concept at the sketch portion of your commission. Changes in colors can be made if made a mistake. If you do push for a change after the sketch, I will charge a fee.I will often provide a 3D render to propose a composition to you. You can make significant changes then, however if we sketch the posing you agree to, and you wish to change it, there will be fees.I am free to use rejected sketches for other works such as YCHs, personal, and future commissions6.|I will upload your art to my gallery unless you tell me beforehand that you want it to be private. You have to be a patron to access private commissions. I will also charge an extra fee depending on the type of piece.7.| You do not have to wait for me to post your art to my gallery. You can post your piece anywhere as long as my credits are added, however making a profit from merchandise with it will require an extra fee to be paid towards me for the rights.8.| If you want art by a deadline please tell me in advance, don’t expect it to be done for a date without telling me. An additional fee is required.9.| I do not offer any refunds due to wait times on my art, especially if I have thoroughly communicated it with you. If you have significant circumstances, please approach me and I will do my best to refund you quickly.10.| I sometimes work off of written descriptions for characters, but I can not assure accuracy without a reference sheet being in play. Sketch commissions are not character design commissions, and same with all other commissions. If you would like a design, please see my reference sheets. Otherwise, complete accuracy is not guaranteed.11.| Some complex things will entail extra fees towards your commissions, this includes (but is not limited to):•More than one set of wings or limbs
•Alternate Versions
•Cum alts
•Difficult patterns (rare to charge for)
•More than one head
•I do not mind if you only have an AI ref to represent a character. That is okay, let's get you some good original art!
•Please do not AI Tune, edit, or train AI with my art•AI will not be replacing my job any time soon, It may only be getting better and better, but the Joy of art is uniquely human. I do not call generations "art" because art is made by people, not machines ♥13| No Slugs

Some Do's

  • Anthro

  • Feral

  • Taur

  • Human and Humanoids

  • ANY Pairings of the above

  • Up to 6 Characters

  • Characters from shows, books, movies, etc

  • Loli/Shota

  • BDSM kinks

  • Animal Anatomy

  • All Species

  • Romance, sadness, and Roughness

  • SOMETIMES Unbirthing

  • foot fetish art

  • light bloodplay

  • pregnancy and birth

and Dont's

  • Most vore

  • Snuff and Removal of body parts/ sexualized gore/Guro

  • Transformation

  • Castration

  • Scat/vomit/filth/fart

  • Anal for my characters

  • Death Of my own characters

  • Micro/Macro

  • prolapse

  • Dust x your character in any NSFW capacity

  • Torture

  • Hyper muscular, Hyper Dicks, Hyper tits

You can scroll or click on the style of commission you are looking for!

Stream Exclusive

1 hour sketches

These $45 PWYW sketches are completed within one hour during my live stream. To secure a slot, you'll need to enter a raffle held during the stream. If you're unable to attend, you can pre-sign up through my Discord server.

♥ Minimum $45 Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW)♥ Choose to have your character depicted solo or alongside one of mine.♥ Provide 1-2 keywords to help guide the concept.♥ These are artistic freedom sketches, meaning I will interpret and develop the idea as it comes to me. Please specify your preferred pairing gender.♥ If you wish to upgrade the sketch in the future, you may do so, with the initial $45 deducted from the upgrade fees.

Color upgrades?

If you're happy with the lines as they are, you can choose to have your sketch colored. To do this, you'll need to win another raffle slot. Don’t worry—there will be specific raffles dedicated solely to adding colors.♥ Price: $45 minimum PWYW, the same as the sketch.♥Time: This gives me one hour to color the piece. However, if significant adjustments are needed, or I require a bit more time, I will allow myself that flexibility.♥Note: No edits to the lines will be made during the coloring phase.♥Upgrade Option: If you'd prefer a more refined finish, please inquire about upgrading to other tiers.

Simple Colored

Simple colored commissions feature looser linework and flat colors, with minor details added for highlights.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a textured brush or done in a looser maner

  • Small highlights in fleshy zones

  • accurate flat colors

  • if you purchase a background, some additional effects may be added

-$80 Half body
-$120 Full body
+80% add a character
+$40% add an Angell character, free to patrons

Simple Shaded

A character will be drawn with clean lines, flat colors, and simple shading. Simple shading will have no blending involved, but will still offer more detail than a flat colored image.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a clean brush

  • One to two layers of shadows

  • Highlights in fleshy parts and possibly rim lighting

  • if you purchase a background, an atmospheric layer

  • If you do not purchase a Background, the shading will be considered "studio" lighting.

-$115 Half body
-$170 Full body
-80% add a character
-40% add an angell character, free to patrons

Full Render

Full render commissions feature clean linework, detailed coloring, and blended shading, with careful attention to multiple lighting sources. This tier requires at least a simple background to complement the composition.You can expect

  • Line art done with a clean brush

  • Lighting based on the background that considers the different light sources

  • Bounce Lighting

  • Blended Shading

  • Fur and scale details if needed

  • Highlights on the body and in fleshy parts

$185 Halfbody
$250 Full body
+ 80% Extra characters
+ 40% Add one of mine


I offer two types of internal views: Dynamic Internals and Simple Internals. Both options provide an opportunity to add extra detail to your commissions. Internal views can be created for the mouth, anal cavity, or vagina.

Simple Internals

  • A cross-section view with minimal highlighting and shading. The view is relatively flat and lacks dynamic elements.

$25 for Vagina & Womb + Cock internal
$20 for a Anus/vagina/mouth + Cock internal
$5 Cum effects

Dynamic Internals

  • A view from either head of cock, Side of cock, or base of cock. These have a more detailed inner flesh and are shaded. For oral cutouts, the tongue is detailed.

  • The lighting is "studio" based so that you can see the details within it.

$35 for an Anus/vagina/ + Cock internal
$40 for Vagina & Womb + Cock internal
$10 Cum effects


Characterized or Normal

  • You can commission Fertilization panels with normal sperm or Characterized sperm!

  • I do not do Fertilization panels with "swarms" of sperm.

  • I usually put a heart shape at the middle of my egg. Let me know if you prefer it to not be like that.

$20 Characterized Sperm
$15 Normal
• +$10 LOTS of eggs

Close up CutOuts

Close-ups are an excellent way to emphasize specific details within a piece. You can select any body part to focus on, with popular options including:

  • The connection of a kiss between characters

  • Close up on the genitalia

  • Close up on a progression of the scene

Close-ups are shaded to match your commission and priced individually.
•Usually $10-20 per character "part"
•Kisses are more

Alternate Versions

Alternate versions can add significant variety to your piece. Whether it's a simple cum variation or a complete redraw of anatomical details, I can accommodate these requests.

  • cumflation alt or tummy bulge

  • hiding or adding genitals

  • knotting

  • changes to characters: Hairstyles, Outfits, clothed or unclothed, expressions

  • Cum alts!

Alternate versions are shaded to match your commission and priced individually.




Backgrounds are priced according to their level of detail, categorized into different pricing groups. Please note that these are baseline prices; your final quote may vary based on the specifics of your request.

Colored or Screenshot Background-Free to $10 depending on how much paint over I need to do for the background

Basic Background
-$30-50 background is primarily focused on the foreground elements. The backdrop is mostly blurred or out of focus. Minimal Lighting is Included.

-$60-100 Background has more all around details, some possible props, the lighting is more refined and taken into account.

-$100-$200 background is detailed all around with foliage, wood, textures, etc. props are included per request. Lighting is detailed and intricate to enhance the ambiance of the piece.

Advanced Landscape
-Please message me to discuss possible pricing plans for these. Very selectively taken.


Icon commissions consist of headshots of your character. You may choose from solo icons, couples icons, or icons with genitalia. Props and backgrounds can also be included upon request.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a clean brush

  • A full resolution uncropped version

  • A Discord Cropped version

  • Simple Shading and Simple highlights. Typically done in Studio lighting

  • If you commission a Background Lighting will be based on the theme you set.

-$50 Single character
-$100 Couple Icon

- free Color backgrounds with small amounts of texture
- $10-20 Background with simple details
- $30-100 Background with specific and significant details

Genital closeup

-$35 "Dick-Shot", one character's genitals (vulva, dick, anus etc)You can combine these with Headshots to get Oral Icons.
Prcing: $dickshot + $Icon +$extras


Welcome back stickers

- $30 per sticker
+ 50% add a character
+ $15 if it is full body
+ Props priced individually


I take one reference commissioner per month. You can commission more than one reference sheet when you do come up on my queue. In order to commission a reference sheet you will need to join a waitlist, Patrons have priority and will be placed above you on the wait time.

You can expect

  • Line art done with a clean brush

  • Multiple WIP's to ensure it is perfect

  • flat colors ONLY. I Never shade ref sheets

  • A "living file", You can make large changes for a fee up to 2-3 years after the completion of your reference

-$150 Base price
Includes a full body view, color ref, and typed information

  • $35 Headshot

  • $75 additional Full Body Views

  • $15 add a paw ref:

  • $35 add a genitals close up:

  • $15 add a maw shot:

  • $5-100 add accessories, items, outfits

  • $15 per close up of wings

  • $30 Flat colored chibis

  • $10-20 per chibi outfit

  • $50+ Character Design Fee, you will only pay this if you don't have preexisting art of any form*

  • Free Basic color or photo manipulation

  • Priced Individually Simple scene Header without the character

  • Priced Individually Shaded scene of character as a header

Stream Exclusive

1 hour sketches

These $45 PWYW sketches are completed within one hour during my live stream. To secure a slot, you'll need to enter a raffle held during the stream. If you're unable to attend, you can pre-sign up through my Discord server.

♥ Minimum $45 Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW)♥ Choose to have your character depicted solo or alongside one of mine.♥ Provide 1-2 keywords to help guide the concept.♥ These are artistic freedom sketches, meaning I will interpret and develop the idea as it comes to me. Please specify your preferred pairing gender.♥ If you wish to upgrade the sketch in the future, you may do so, with the initial $45 deducted from the upgrade fees.

Color upgrades?

If you're happy with the lines as they are, you can choose to have your sketch colored. To do this, you'll need to win another raffle slot. Don’t worry—there will be specific raffles dedicated solely to adding colors.♥ Price: $45 minimum PWYW, the same as the sketch.♥Time: This gives me one hour to color the piece. However, if significant adjustments are needed, or I require a bit more time, I will allow myself that flexibility.♥Note: No edits to the lines will be made during the coloring phase.♥Upgrade Option: If you'd prefer a more refined finish, please inquire about upgrading to other tiers.

Simple Colored

Simple colored commissions feature looser linework and flat colors, with minor details added for highlights.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a textured brush or done in a looser maner

  • Small highlights in fleshy zones

  • accurate flat colors

  • if you purchase a background, some additional effects may be added

-$80 Half body
-$120 Full body
+80% add a character
+$40% add an Angell character, free to patrons

Simple Shaded

A character will be drawn with clean lines, flat colors, and simple shading. Simple shading will have no blending involved, but will still offer more detail than a flat colored image.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a clean brush

  • One to two layers of shadows

  • Highlights in fleshy parts and possibly rim lighting

  • if you purchase a background, an atmospheric layer

  • If you do not purchase a Background, the shading will be considered "studio" lighting.

-$115 Half body
-$170 Full body
-80% add a character
-40% add an angell character, free to patrons

Full Render

Full render commissions feature clean linework, detailed coloring, and blended shading, with careful attention to multiple lighting sources. This tier requires at least a simple background to complement the composition.You can expect

  • Line art done with a clean brush

  • Lighting based on the background that considers the different light sources

  • Bounce Lighting

  • Blended Shading

  • Fur and scale details if needed

  • Highlights on the body and in fleshy parts

$185 Halfbody
$250 Full body
+ 80% Extra characters
+ 40% Add one of mine


I take one reference commissioner per month. You can commission more than one reference sheet when you do come up on my queue. In order to commission a reference sheet you will need to join a waitlist, Patrons have priority and will be placed above you on the wait time.

You can expect

  • Line art done with a clean brush

  • Multiple WIP's to ensure it is perfect

  • flat colors ONLY. I Never shade ref sheets

  • A "living file", You can make large changes for a fee up to 2-3 years after the completion of your reference

-$150 Base price
Includes a full body view, color ref, and typed information

  • $35 Headshot

  • $75 additional Full Body Views

  • $15 add a paw ref:

  • $35 add a genitals close up:

  • $15 add a maw shot:

  • $5-100 add accessories, items, outfits

  • $15 per close up of wings

  • $30 Flat colored chibis

  • $10-20 per chibi outfit

  • $50+ Character Design Fee, you will only pay this if you don't have preexisting art of any form*

  • Free Basic color or photo manipulation

  • Priced Individually Simple scene Header without the character

  • Priced Individually Shaded scene of character as a header


Icon commissions consist of headshots of your character. You may choose from solo icons, couples icons, or icons with genitalia. Props and backgrounds can also be included upon request.You can expect

  • Lineart done with a clean brush

  • A full resolution uncropped version

  • A Discord Cropped version

  • Simple Shading and Simple highlights. Typically done in Studio lighting

  • If you commission a Background Lighting will be based on the theme you set.

-$50 Single character
-$100 Couple Icon

- free Color backgrounds with small amounts of texture
- $10-20 Background with simple details
- $30-100 Background with specific and significant details

Genital closeup

-$35 "Dick-Shot", one character's genitals (vulva, dick, anus etc)You can combine these with Headshots to get Oral Icons.
Prcing: $dickshot + $Icon +$extras


I offer two types of internal views: Dynamic Internals and Simple Internals. Both options provide an opportunity to add extra detail to your commissions. Internal views can be created for the mouth, anal cavity, or vagina.

Simple Internals

  • A cross-section view with minimal highlighting and shading. The view is relatively flat and lacks dynamic elements.

$25 for Vagina & Womb + Cock internal
$20 for a Anus/vagina/mouth + Cock internal
$5 Cum effects

Dynamic Internals

  • A view from either head of cock, Side of cock, or base of cock. These have a more detailed inner flesh and are shaded. For oral cutouts, the tongue is detailed.

  • The lighting is "studio" based so that you can see the details within it.

$35 for an Anus/vagina/ + Cock internal
$40 for Vagina & Womb + Cock internal
$10 Cum effects


Characterized or Normal

  • You can commission Fertilization panels with normal sperm or Characterized sperm!

  • I do not do Fertilization panels with "swarms" of sperm.

  • I usually put a heart shape at the middle of my egg. Let me know if you prefer it to not be like that.

$20 Characterized Sperm
$15 Normal
• +$10 LOTS of eggs

Close up CutOuts

Close-ups are an excellent way to emphasize specific details within a piece. You can select any body part to focus on, with popular options including:

  • The connection of a kiss between characters

  • Close up on the genitalia

  • Close up on a progression of the scene

Close-ups are shaded to match your commission and priced individually.
•Usually $10-20 per character "part"
•Kisses are more

Alternate Versions

Alternate versions can add significant variety to your piece. Whether it's a simple cum variation or a complete redraw of anatomical details, I can accommodate these requests.

  • cumflation alt or tummy bulge

  • hiding or adding genitals

  • knotting

  • changes to characters: Hairstyles, Outfits, clothed or unclothed, expressions

  • Cum alts!

Alternate versions are shaded to match your commission and priced individually.




Backgrounds are priced according to their level of detail, categorized into different pricing groups. Please note that these are baseline prices; your final quote may vary based on the specifics of your request.

Colored or Screenshot Background-Free to $10 depending on how much paint over I need to do for the background

Basic Background
-$30-50 background is primarily focused on the foreground elements. The backdrop is mostly blurred or out of focus. Minimal Lighting is Included.

-$60-100 Background has more all around details, some possible props, the lighting is more refined and taken into account.

-$100-$200 background is detailed all around with foliage, wood, textures, etc. props are included per request. Lighting is detailed and intricate to enhance the ambiance of the piece.

Advanced Landscape
-Please message me to discuss possible pricing plans for these. Very selectively taken.


Welcome back stickers

- $30 per sticker
+ 50% add a character
+ $15 if it is full body
+ Props priced individually